Digital Art, that means what in older times was created with manual techniques is now created with digital techniques … using the personal computer as a canvas and the graphic tablet or the mouse as a brush, airbrush or spatula … That’s simply fantastic …
If you make a mistake with the combination of two keys, cancel and try again … Other than to cancel or restore the white lead on the canvas…
But I must say that manual skills are still the real deal…

The “OIGRES” main idea came out from being the reverse of “SERGIO”, a rational “Virginian” and precise man (even a bit of a pain in the ass) therefore an artist and noisy but definitely more cool. Those having faced both sides knows what I’m talking about. Obviously the balance lies in the middle of the two characters who integrate and can help each other.
In this dualistic path, SERGIOIGRES looks for the “center” under various forms (his owns), but be ready to dig …..
